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  • hopedobrzynski

If You Love Your Cookies, You'll Invest in a Cookie Tin

It's that time of year again when we bake lots of cookies. I share plenty, but I also like to enjoy a fresh baked cookie or two each and every day, especially this time of year. I enjoy waking up to already brewed Bones coffee wafting through my first floor up the stairs. And nothing pairs better with a hot, delicious cup of coffee quite like a fresh cookie.

Keeping cookies fresh is no easy task, but it is so much easier when you have the right equipment. Fortunately, I learned from my Meema (my mom's mom) early on how to correctly and efficiently keep cookies fresh: a tin!

Yes, a cookie tin is not only nostalgic, but effective. While I love glass Tupperware, and use that for most of my leftovers and food keepsakes. I truly believe in my heart of hearts that plastic containers expedite the rotting process on all foods so I tend to stay away if and when I can. I just don't trust plastic -- it's too shifty for me. A real shapeshifter... Occasionally, I will hold onto one of those Talenti containers to keep sauces or freeze something because you can't always freeze glass, but I cannot place a cookie in any of those containers if I want to enjoy it later. The cookie won't last 48 hours and that's not fair to me or the cookie. Cookie tins can hold the freshness of your recently baked treats days. There is always wrapping the cookie in foil and warming it up in an oven of sorts, but that takes some times. Sometimes I want a cookie now. Also, there is something in the tin that allows the cookie to age so gracefully. Like a cheese or a wine, a cookie only gets better as it ages in a tin. The edges just a little crispier, the middle just a little softer.

A cookie tin shouldn't cost more than $20, and what it will save you in enjoyment of fresh cookies is truly worth its weight in gold. Please do not confuse tin with aluminum; aluminum is a tad cheaper and it just doesn't do what tin can do. Check out this one or this one for inspiration, but do you! Everyone should be able to enjoy their cookies for many days after. Consider this my ode to cookie tins.

Additionally, fresh loaves of bread keep best in a paper bag in a plastic bag.

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